Paul Ryan Today

Ryan: Even MAGA Diehards Believe Trump Can't Win in 2024

Former House speaker says 'ace in the hole' reason is the only hope for a Trump victory

WASHINGTON - Former House Speaker Paul Ryan said Tuesday that even the most ardent supporters of former President Donald Trump believe he cannot win the 2024 presidential election.

"I don't think there's any doubt that the MAGA crowd, the people who are most enthusiastic about Trump, they know that he can't win," Ryan said in an interview with CNN.

Ryan, who was the Republican nominee for vice president in 2012, said that the only hope for a Trump victory is if the former president can find an "ace in the hole," such as a major scandal involving his opponent.

"But even then, I think it would be a very difficult climb for him," Ryan said.

Ryan's comments come as Trump continues to flirt with the idea of running for president again in 2024. Trump has not yet announced his candidacy, but he has repeatedly hinted that he may do so.

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